Here is a Walk Through for After Effects ProductionLink:
- Install ProductionLink
Set your user preferences. You usually only set user preferences once per user.
- Run After Effects and send your time line with the project to the Render Queue.
- Click on the yellow link in Render Settings:
See the circled area in the screen shot below:
- Please note that the Size is what you want (circled in red).
Please also note the Frame Rate (circled in orange).
You can trim the render time by pressing Custom (circled in yellow).
- Press OK or Cancel to get back to the Render Queue.
Then press the yellow link for Output Module: (circled in red).
- This will bring up the Output Module dialog.
In the Format pull down select Avid Interplay.
- Check Audio Output if you want Audio (circled in orange).
You probably do NOT want to resize nor crop.
The video settings RGB+Alpha and Millions of Colors+ is needed.
Format Options does nothing as this is handled later in Output To:
- Press OK to save your settings.
This brings you back to the Render Queue dialog.
Press the yellow link in Output To:
This brings up the Interplay Browser dialog as well as the Output To folder dialog.
- browse your Interplay bin tree and select a name to output.
- When you press Save the folder browser dialog will come up.
Select your ISIS path for rendering here:
- Press OK and this brings you back to the Render Queue dialog.
Note that there is a check next to the item in the queue and it says ready.
- Now you can press Render and the render will start.
A progress bar will show progress and (on PC) a status window will show status.
- When the render is done the status will be "done" and the check box will disappear.
- If you want to render again, right click on the name and select "Duplicate".
- If you are using an ISIS you have already used Avid ISIS Client Manager to mount the ISIS.
This will be either something like a Z: drive on a PC or /Volumes/workspace or such on a Mac.
The ISIS path is usually something like Z:/Avid Mediafiles/MXF/computername.1
You can save to another path if you do not have ISIS.